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All the required material for the exam is contained within Piano Handbook 2021–2024: Pre-preparatory (LCM).

Component 1: Exercises                                   (25 marks)

Candidates play any five of the following:

  • A Tappin’

  • Chocolate Smoothie

  • Downward Dog

  • Mr Badger

  • Pardon Me!

  • The Trampoline

  • Skipping

  • Knock Knock (Who’s There?)

Component 2: List A Pieces                             (20 marks)

Performance of any two of the following:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I Caught a Fish Alive

  • Popcorn

  • Monkey Goes Bananas

  • Wintry Wood

  • Happy Birthday To You

Component 3: List B Pieces                             (40 marks)

Performance of any two of the following:

  • Westminster Chimes

  • Stuck Indoors

  • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

  • The Grand Entrance

  • On The Magic Carpet


Component 4: Recognition of Notes                (15 marks)

Candidates should be able to recognised notes C to G in the treble clef and C to F in the bass clef.

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